The Color Of magic pt. 2

The book begins with the text describing the origins of disc world and how it looks. I was immensely confused when i first began reading. I had no idea what the text was saying as it began describing a peculiar sight that i could not fathom. The shape and function of this world could not be thought up in my head. I pushed hard through the first pages because I was so confused. I eventually learned what disc world was and became familiar with its structure as a place where life existed.

I steadied my focus on what i began to see was a repeating theme in the story. Rincewind constantly fought with others and bargained with those he encountered in Ankh-Morpork. Over and over again Rincewind is confronted with one situation after the other where he needs to negotiate his decisions and actions. He has no anchor, no purpose to live for yet he is in a constant heap of trouble.

The text becomes a story of a person who has failed at being successful. A person who is without a story to tell or an adventure to follow. Rincewind is this person and adventure discovers him giving him a purpose and no option but to go. Rincewind has to become a hero himself in this adventure and start on a journey of finding himself. a genre and form develop in the mist of the general path of the text.


The conventional form develops when the structure of story is revealed where a failure becomes a hero. The hero is forced to find in himself something he never knew he possessed. In The Color of Magic, Rincewind discovers his courage and wit as he maneuvers through the dangers that present themselves when the story begins to unfold. The genre of science fiction does present itself where style is present also. The book start out by explaining what Discworld is and then gives the reader a future scene of the story right at the beginning. while reading the beginning am taken back to the past to be shown i arrived at that future moment.

It is a style that is conventional and offers structure to the beginning of the book. The text was difficult to comprehend but I understood where in the story we were because of this structure.

One thought on “The Color Of magic pt. 2

  1. I agree, it definitely seems that Rincewind has nothing to live for and he’s always in some kind of trouble. Even the narrator acknowledged that fact: “…it was only a matter of time before the universe restored itself and started doing the usual terrible things to him” (110). He definitely keeps going despite the fact that he is a failing wizard and doesn’t have the support and respect of those around him. I see that as determination and resilience of the human spirit. I find myself hoping for him to succeed and become the hero.


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